Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chance & new love!!

Time birthday sy, sy & my geng mcm biasalh geng2 sy..johnny, tya n syn..celebrate besday sy d grappa...dat time sy single n blm ready lg mau ada bf sbb sy yg mls...haha..then, satu hari ni, c johnny chatting dgn sy dlm facebook, she asked me whether i mau bf or not, then sy ckplh hmm...kalau kwn blh lh tp untuk jd bf sy rasanya sy blm ready lg....
Bknlh apa bah..i just scared in facing any hurt lg sdh boring dgn tu semua...couple then pts couple then sy just x mau lg ada siapa2 dulu dlm hidup sy...lama jg sdh sy single, kalau ada pun bf, semua pun bkn bf sy...just relationship yg kita sndiri x pasti lagi mcm buat apa mau truskn relationship mcm tu...
sy penat mcm i decided to stop those relationship..x mau lg...let it go saja...
hmm..then suddenly, ada satu number ni pg msg sy d hp x knl number msg dia bunyi mcm ni..' Rebecca towk kh? '
Then sy x reply sbb sy x knl...but then sy curious sgt bah mau tau number tu satu hari tu sy msglh dia, then kmi msg pnya msg..rupanya dia lh guy yg c johnny mau knl kn sma sy tu...hehe..his name is hudson toh...hahahaha...hmm...dia kwn sy dlm facebook jg...
hehe...then, wat can i say ahh...kmi msg dlm hp n kmi couple melalui hp jg..blm pnh nmpk each other tp sdh nmpk pictures lh..
he's cute n looked ganas lh....then time birthday c tya, dia ada dtg tp dat time malu2 ni sy mau tegur dia..hahahha,...dia pun malu2 jg..wahahah...
tp before dat, kmi mmg ada plan mau stay 1 day sama2 di rumah the next day tu, mcm biasalh plan kmi..dia ambil sy d unimas then dia bwa sy bkn stay d rumah dia..stay di kampung dia....huhu......
hmm..wat can i say, sy suka kampung dia..tenang n fresh..n sy selesa dgn grandma n grandpa dia. they were so kind..n from there, i can describe, c hudson ni...he's nice guy..n i wish dis will be the last love...i want him..
besides, sy sdh bnyk kali hurt...hmm...actually sy bg diri sy chance untuk org lain..untuk love org lain...chance untuk diri sy sendiri...fuh...lgpun hudson pun suka dgn sy..n sy pun suka dia...dia single n sy apa slhnya sy bg chance untuk diri sy cuba cinta yg baru....lgpun sy sdh lama lupakan cinta yg lama n cinta yg lama pun sdh lama pupus....x mau ingat lg apa2....
just new love yg sy mau fokus skg....hehe...
tp kmi still dlm mengenal hati budi masing2...hehe..eiseh men....hahahah....jwnpan artis... dats all lh cerita sy tntg relationship yg sy baru bina...eiseh...hehe..
& trust me, i love him.....

Me & hudson... on Twitpic

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