Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm in PEACE

Semakin hari berlalu.....semakin sy gembira.....entah lh napa...happy jak sy....hehe...bkn happy...tenang bah....aman n damai.....wahh...feels like i'm in heaven...hihihi...wanna no why..?
............................................its because.....i got my gurdian angel within myself....and i biliv the God sent it to me......dun no..its just i feels i'm changing....its just happened...i biliv the God had whisper to me and talk to me..and i know he listen to my prayer...
and..sy dapat rasakan yg sy ada nasib.....it came to happened like dis bah....
first, i stay d rmh sewa now dis...and sumtimes i got money problem....u no lah kan..to pay bilik n ada aircond lg....so its all need money..but nasib ada parents lh can give me money......but..its just i want to be independent bah, dun want terlalu harapkn parents ...so my story like dis...sy ternampak iklan untuk cari guru tusyen d sekitar samarahan ni jg dkt dgn tmpat sy stay..cun2 dat time, kwn sy c jane dia one of teacher sna jg, so ada lh sy dgn kwn sy yg lain try pg apply jd cikgu d sna...then the bos ckp dia terima but we have to find our students at least 3 students...then dia bg lh kami advertisements untuk sebar d mana2........huh...sy ni pemalas....mana ada sy sebar....hahahhah....so sy mls lh..and then...lama jg lh sy biarkn...mls kan mau cari students...so sy biar kn ja lh....then...everyday lh sy ni pray and pray.....minta dimurahkn rezeki....of cos lh..kan sy pun mau independent...mls lh if terlalu depend on parents...then tiba2 satu hari tu, c jane ni dia sms sy mcm ni sms dia d hp.." kau mau ganti sy kh ajar tusyen? ", then sy reply.." aik..kenapa..? ".., dia reply.. " sbb sy mau balik sabah..lgpun sy mmg mau quit sdh.." ....wahhhhh.....rezeki ni....(dlm hati sy lah)..hahha...then sy ckp lh.." ouh yakah....boleh jg bah..." ..then dia reply, " bah kalau kau setuju, kita jumpa miss amanda, bgtau dia..lepas ni kau start lh..".....apa lg...gembira lh sy kan...rezeki bah tu.....takkan sy mau tolak ..kan..? hehhe...sy rasa cukup lh sekadar mau cari duit extra sikit kan..so tdklh sy terlalu depend dgn parents....drpd sy kerja d club.....actually..sy x suka jg keja d club ni...sikit lg sy mau plan keja d club tau....sbb desperate kan mau cari duit.....hahahha...but..u see kan..the power of the God....finally..sy dpt jg jd guru tusyen ajar students darjah 4, 5 and 6......hihi..i really thankful to the God.....He always listen to me....
oke y..story pasal ajar budak2 tusyen ni...hehe..best becos dealing with the kids makes me gain more ideas...u no lah kan...budak2 punya pmikiran dgn org dewasa x sama bah....dorang mostly, pemikiran dorang lbh d luar drpd kotak...so i think best lh....hehhe...i teach them BM n Science....and i feel enjoy ajar dorang...well..i'm the youngest child in my family..so when i dealing with the kids...sy rasa mcm sy sama pemikiran dgn dorang...yg lucunya...dorang suka bg sy teka teki n sy suka bg jawapan yg gila2...bila salah, kami sama2 ketawa......kuang3.....

second story, kisah dia mcm ni....hari tu sy pg allamanda d unimas tmpat kwn sy punya hostel...rajin lh mau buat GIS report.....work so hard ni..smpai makan pun blh lupa gara2 mau ksh siap report saja....haha....gini story dia...sy buat report data d hostel kwn sy tu dr jam 12 mcm tu sampai jm 4....sbb bas unimas terakhir just sampai jam 4 ja...then apa lg..sy pun keluar lh...mau tunggu bas d bus stop ...then d bus stop tu ada sorang negro..i mean..african lh...african people...dia duduk n tunggu bas jg..then he smiled at me....sy pun smile jg...then ...tiba2 dia tanya ni..." Hye..wats ur name..? "...sy reply.." Rebecca..", then dia tanya.." wat is rebecca's real name in a bible..? ".....apa lg sy....mak oii.......terkejut sy dgr tu soalan......hahahha....mau ragu2 sy jawab....hahha...u no why...cus i dun read the bible.......ish3....sorry God....bible sy d sana sabah......ish3.....jahat kau ni Rebecca ksh tinggal bible d sabah.....napa x bawa pg cni bumi kenyalang..? ish3.......then sy reply lh dgn negro tu.." Erggghh...i dun no cos i dun read the bible.." (sedihnya sy menjawab dia tau)......then dia ckp.." why..? u are christian rite..? christian people should read bible.." .....berbelah bagi jiwa n raga sy mau jwb kh tdk..last2 sy senyum ja dgn dia......hehehe.....then dia start lh lecturing dgn sy pasal bible...pasal history of religion.....and i just listen to him...but when i'm thinking back......i think sy kena sumthing yg buat sy trus sedar n bangun .....mcm sy kena panggilan drpd Tuhan ....and then sy trus terfikir mau buat rosary prayer.........well...rosary pun sy x bawa...semua d sana sabah.....ish3.......apa lh kau ni Rebecca.....okey2.....gini lh...sy akan beli rosary n pg church minta blessing dr priest....and i will pray the rosary....amen....
I biliv the God had sent me a guardian angel in my heart and also came from another holy people to make me realise...that every human in dis world should remember the God..should biliv in him..should obey Him....becos one is for sure...everything that we have, everything that we own..are all temporary....God is the one who created us....at the end of time..He will take everything back........so, be appreciate wat u have now n always remember the God....just biliv that God is with us every second, every moment and everywhere........
and now...my life semua berjalan dgn smoothly ja.....n i feel so in peace....happy and ....i'm happy......totally happy with my life.......thanks to the God for everything that u gave to me.....i biliv u always listen to my prayer and i biliv in a miracle that u sent to me..............
That's all for now......goodnite...mau sleep.......hihih.......Amen...

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